Shea Butter Sunscreen



  • 2 oz Shea Butter

  • 1 oz Jojoba Oil

  • 1 oz Coconut Oil

  • 1 oz Powdered Zinc Oxide

Coconut Oil-Front-SQ.jpg


  1. Melt your shea butter and coconut oil together to combine, stirring frequently

  2. Once melted and mixed, add your jojoba oil

  3. Slowly stir in the zinc oxide until dissolved

  4. Let mixture cool, then follow up with 30 seconds of mixing using an electric mixer to ensure the zinc oxide is combined

  5. Keep your sunscreen in a sealed container at room temperature

Important Tips

  • This sunscreen is not waterproof, so take extra steps to prevent sunburns at the beach! Experts recommend limiting the time out in the water during peak sun hours.

  • The estimated SPF for this sunscreen is 20 SPF, however this formula has not been tested for accuracy. Use liberally to ensure maximum coverage.