Mint Hot Cocoa Moisturizer

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The only thing better than hot cocoa on a snow day? Mint hot cocoa on a snow day. Check out this lovely moisturizer that perfectly embodies everything we love about the holiday season: sweets and a good, glittery glow-up.

The best part of our recipes is that you can modify them however you want! For this recipe, we decided to add in a few drops of peppermint oil and skin-safe mica powder for a glittery gold tone. How you customize this is up to you, but we couldn’t resist that lovely combo of mint and cocoa butter.

With three of our all-natural plant oils and added sweet almond oil, this super-powered moisturizer fights even the most blustery weather conditions to keep your skin hydrated and shimmering.


What You’ll Need


Mixing bowl

Jar or other container


1/2 cup Cocoa Butter

1/2 cup Shea Butter

1/2 cup Coconut Oil

1/2 cup Sweet Almond Oil

20 drops of Peppermint Oil

1/2 teaspoon Mica Powder (optional)



step one

Mix your oils together in a mixing bowl.


step two

Once everything is added, stir together. For oils that did not melt all the way, it is safe to put the mixture in a pan to heat until fully dissolved.


step three

It’s finished! Store your moisturizer in a resealable glass or plastic jar.

Giving this moisturizer as a gift?

Download and print these festive gift tags.
